
11 ChatGPT Prompts to Transform Your Legal Practice

Published on August 8, 2023
9 minute read
<a href='https://www.lawmatics.com/blog/author/cate/'>Cate Giordano</a>
Written by Cate Giordano

Your to-do list seems unending, right? The contract review, the case analysis, the unanswered emails. The legal profession has always been synonymous with hefty workloads and long hours. But what if you could relegate these time-intensive tasks to a digital ally, paving the way for more strategic work and a better work-life balance?

Generative AI isn’t just a trendy buzzword—it's your new associate. Many law firms have already adopted tools to fortify their expertise. Generative AI is an efficient team player, assisting with everything from drafting legal documents to conducting comprehensive research.

The AI disclaimer

The legal profession tends to resist technological advancements, such as generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard, with immediate talk of bans and warnings of ethical violations. Despite initial restrictions, like those imposed by US District Court judges and law schools like Berkeley and the University of Michigan, legal tech evangelist Nicole Black argues that these technologies should be embraced as valuable tools to streamline work and increase efficiencies. She suggests that legal professionals have an ethical duty to learn about and make informed decisions about these technologies, mirroring a historical pattern of initial resistance followed by eventual acceptance in the legal field.

And we’ve already seen bad lawyering play out with ChatGPT, as some legal professionals have relied heavily on ChatGPT for legal research without verifying the accuracy of the information provided, leading to sanctions.

Generative AI holds immense promise for the legal industry, but this also warrants careful attention to ethical considerations and challenges, including:

  • Accuracy and accountability: Legal professionals must critically evaluate the AI-generated advice, always corroborating its validity.
  • Data privacy and confidentiality: Legal professionals are responsible for ensuring robust data privacy, and security measures are in place.
  • Transparency and explainability: Legal professionals must unravel the "black box" of AI and ensure the reasoning behind AI-generated legal analysis is clear and understandable.
  • Liability and professional responsibility: Professionals need to navigate the landscape of liability for errors or omissions in AI-generated content. Legal professionals should delineate the boundaries of AI usage, managing client expectations to avoid potential legal and ethical issues.

With some guardrails, AI can help legal professionals get through dense workloads. The results ended in a tie in a casual study comparing the abilities of AI ChatGPT and a human IP lawyer in drafting articles on the legal issues of using generative AI at work. The AI came out ahead in terms of efficiency and readability. At the same time, the human excelled in depth and avoidance of repetition. The experiment highlighted potential practical applications of AI but also emphasized the necessity for clear guidelines.

The power of generative AI: transforming efficiency and unleashing potential in the legal practice

Generative AI, harnessing the might of deep learning models like neural networks, is not merely influencing the legal profession—it's poised to redefine it. The transformative potential of generative AI in legal practice transcends task automation, shaping the profession at its core.

Data processing and research quality: One of the core advantages of AI is its ability to rapidly and accurately process vast amounts of data. This not only economizes time but dramatically enhances the quality of research, providing legal professionals with an in-depth, comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted legal landscape.

Pattern recognition: AI shines in its pattern recognition capabilities. Through machine learning algorithms, AI can detect patterns and correlations in substantial datasets that may elude human analysis, offering critical insights. These insights prove invaluable for predicting case outcomes, assessing risks, and formulating potent legal strategies.

Cost savings: Incorporating AI in legal practice can save significantly. By automating tasks and boosting efficiency, law firms can optimize their resources and concentrate on services that add more value—yielding benefits to the firms and their clientele.

But what does this AI revolution look like in action? Many AI applications are already being put to work in daily law firm operations.

Legal drafting & case review

Take, for instance, Harvey AI. This ground-breaking fusion of natural language processing and machine learning aids firms with contract analysis, due diligence, and regulatory compliance. Meanwhile, Auto-GPT technology combines OpenAI's text-generating AI models with a companion bot for autonomous decision-making, accelerating contract review and summarizing specific clauses effectively.

Legal research

AI has made its mark in legal research as well. Platforms like Casetext harness AI to help legal professionals locate pertinent case law, statutes, and regulations swiftly.

CoCounsel, a product of OpenAI and Casetext collaboration, is a reliable legal assistant tailor-made for lawyers' needs. Blue J L&E reconsiders legal research and analysis, using AI to predict case outcomes and probe complex legal issues—analyzing factors and outcomes, not merely keywords.

Marketing & intake

On the client interface side, LM[AI] incorporated into Lawmatics provides an all-in-one CRM solution, saving valuable time by generating professional email copy with a single click. Similarly, Smith.ai leverages AI-integrated virtual receptionists to ensure timely responses. At the same time, Gideon streamlines client intake and document automation for a more effective process.

Generative AI's application is no longer a technological novelty; it's a strategic game-changer. As legal professionals increasingly embrace AI, they lead the profession into a transformative era of heightened efficiency, innovation, and strategic edge. Law practice is set to be redefined, with generative AI leading the charge.

Harnessing generative AI with prompt engineering

The significance of prompt engineering in the legal industry can't be understated. Those who master the art of prompt design will stand above their peers. But, prompting is not a one-size-fits-all solution. There are certain limitations to the generative AI tools, such as the inconsistent output of the same prompt and the inability to resolve hallucinations and bias in the datasets.

Here are the essential elements you need in a successful prompt:

  1. Define the role: "You are an expert legal research assistant..."
  2. Establish clear intentions: "...and your task is to summarize the key holdings and legal principles from the following court cases related to employment discrimination."
  3. Provide context and background: "The cases are 'Smith v. XYZ Corp.,' 'Johnson v. ABC Inc.,' and 'Doe v. MNO LLC.' These cases are from different jurisdictions but share a focus on age discrimination in employment.
  4. Insist on specificity: "Note that 'Smith v. XYZ Corp.' is from the 9th Circuit Court, 'Johnson v. ABC Inc.' is a Supreme Court decision, and 'Doe v. MNO LLC.' is from the New York State Court. Please identify the jurisdiction for each case in your summaries."
  5. Direct the format: "Provide the summaries in bullet points for each case, highlighting key points of law, the court's reasoning, and the implications of each ruling."
  6. Use examples or references: "I appreciate a clear, concise writing style similar to that found in the 'Legal Information Institute' case summaries."

Here's how the entire prompt might look when you put it all together:

You are an expert legal research assistant, and your task is to summarize the key holdings and legal principles from the following court cases related to employment discrimination: 'Smith v. XYZ Corp.,' 'Johnson v. ABC Inc.,' and 'Doe v. MNO LLC.' These cases are from different jurisdictions but share a focus on age discrimination in employment. Note that 'Smith v. XYZ Corp.' is from the 9th Circuit Court, 'Johnson v. ABC Inc.' is a Supreme Court decision, and 'Doe v. MNO LLC.' is from the New York State Court. Please identify the jurisdiction for each case in your summaries. Provide the summaries in bullet points for each case, highlighting key points of law, the court's reasoning, and the implications of each ruling. I appreciate a clear, concise writing style similar to that found in the 'Legal Information Institute's case summaries.

You may have to supply the AI with the primary text source for a prompt like this. To avoid bad practices, remember that the AI's responses should be validated for accuracy.

Tips for structuring prompts:

  • Use the first prompt to state your purpose clearly.
  • Ask one question at a time.
  • For complex requests, break it down into a series of simpler prompts.
  • Use straightforward language and avoid legalese.
  • Check the accuracy of the AI’s outputs.

Practical use cases of generative AI at a law firm

Generative AI is reshaping traditional tasks and processes that once monopolized legal professionals' time. From contract drafting to case reviews, AI capabilities can streamline and optimize operations, liberating lawyers to focus their expertise on higher-value tasks.

Here are 6 prompts you can introduce to your law firm today:

1Drafting legal documents with precision and efficiency

Prompt: “As an experienced contract attorney, I need you to refine our standard Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). The agreement between two software development companies must comprehensively address intellectual property concerns. Please pay special attention to sections X, Y, and Z, where we've received feedback about clarity and comprehensiveness."

Why it works: By clearly defining the role and task, this prompt allows you to leverage AI in optimizing your standard contracts, particularly those with recurring revisions. This prompt could be a significant time-saver in your contract drafting and review process.

2Enhancing case review competence

Prompt: "Imagine a fictional case, 'Doe v. Alpha Enterprises,' where Doe, a small tech startup, alleges that Alpha Enterprises infringed on its software patent. Summarize the facts, claims, defenses, and the hypothetical court's decision. Also, identify any real-world legal precedents or principles this case might establish."

Why it works: This prompt provides context and specificity, enabling AI to help with initial case review, preliminary legal research, and identification of potential precedents. It's a valuable tool during the case analysis phase, providing the groundwork for your litigation strategy.

3Simplifying statutory research

Prompt: "As an AI legal research assistant, summarize the key differences between GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation in the EU) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act). Highlight the essential compliance requirements for businesses in each jurisdiction."

Why it works: The defined role, clear intentions, and specific references in this prompt set the stage for efficient statutory research, helping you keep abreast of compliance requirements across different jurisdictions. It's ideal for general legal research or when updating client advisory materials.

4Streamlining case law research

Prompt: "Summarize the following recent Federal Circuit Court rulings on the Fourth Amendment search and seizure doctrine, focusing on decisions involving digital privacy issues. This will help us update our client advisory templates."

Why it works: This prompt encourages AI to condense complex legal rulings into concise summaries, keeping your firm updated on vital legal developments. It's useful when preparing briefs, memoranda, or client advisories on recent case law.

5Optimizing legal marketing

Prompt: "As a content creator for a law firm specializing in personal injury law, write a compelling blog post outlining the steps to take after a car accident. Our firm tells clients to take the following x, y, and z steps. Ensure it is empathetic, informative, and inspires action. Include a Call-to-Action reader to contact our firm for a consultation."

Why it works: Using AI in content creation can produce engaging, informative articles that help establish your firm's authority and client engagement. This prompt can be used whenever you need to create content for your firm's blog or social media platforms.

6Streamlining the client intake process

Prompt: "As an AI intake assistant for an employment law firm, design a script for an initial phone call with a potential client who believes they have been wrongfully terminated. The script should gather key details about their case without delving into specifics that could breach confidentiality. It should also reassure them of our firm's extensive experience and expertise in employment law."

Why it works: The detail-oriented nature of this prompt allows AI to assist in crafting an efficient and empathetic client intake process, improving the client experience right from the first call. It's beneficial in refining the initial client intake process.

The power of role-playing in legal practice: preparing for real-life scenarios

1Anticipating opposing counsel strategy

Prompt: "Assume you're a seasoned criminal defense attorney representing a client accused of insider trading. Given the charges and public information, what arguments and strategies might the prosecutor employ?"

Why it works: This prompt enables lawyers to think from the prosecution's perspective and anticipate potential strategies. It can be applied while strategizing defense for criminal cases, giving you a leg up in your preparation.

2Enhancing client interview skills

Prompt: "Role-play as a potential client seeking representation for a complex family law issue involving international child custody laws. Respond with high emotional distress and confusion about the legal process to help our attorneys practice empathetic and clear client communication."

Why it works: This prompt helps attorneys improve their skills in handling emotionally charged client interactions, which is critical in family law and other sensitive legal issues. It's ideal for training sessions focusing on improving client interaction skills.

3Preparing for witness cross-examination

Prompt: "Imagine being a hostile witness in a personal injury case, avoiding responsibility for a workplace accident. Provide evasive or combative responses to my questions to help our team practice managing difficult witnesses."

Why it works: Using AI for role-play can equip lawyers with effective techniques to extract useful information from uncooperative witnesses. It's a great tool during the preparation phase for depositions or trials.

4Honing negotiation skills

Prompt: "Take the role of a mediator in a contentious divorce case where assets and child custody are in dispute. Provide potential solutions and compromises to help resolve the deadlock."

Why it works: Engaging with AI in this manner can expose lawyers to new perspectives and solutions they may not have considered, ultimately making them more effective negotiators. It can be utilized in preparation for mediation or negotiation sessions.

While AI offers a non-judgmental space to practice and refine legal strategies, its outputs should always be reviewed and vetted by competent legal professionals before being used in real-case scenarios. By understanding and employing the right prompts, you can harness the power of generative AI to revolutionize your legal practice.

5Developing interrogatory questions

Prompt: "You're a personal injury attorney investigating a complex multi-vehicle accident. Draft focused interrogatory questions to unravel the chain of events and identify all parties involved and potentially responsible."

Why it works: This prompt helps lawyers prep and formulate precise, purposeful questions. Practicing the craft of effective interrogatories equips lawyers to prepare thoroughly for the discovery process in personal injury cases, ensuring comprehensive fact-gathering.

Continuing the dialogue with AI

Embracing the rise of AI in the legal profession is no longer an option but a strategic necessity. Generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT can significantly enhance efficiencies in drafting legal documents, case reviews, statutory research, and client intake processes. AI role-playing scenarios provide an innovative approach to improving legal strategy. This technology has proven itself a proficient 'associate,' capable of executing tasks accurately and quickly.

AI is not about replacing the human element of legal practice but about augmenting it. By taking over mundane, time-intensive tasks, AI enables legal professionals to focus on what matters the most: their clients, their strategy, and high-value work that requires their unique expertise.

Cate Giordano

Cate Giordano is the founder of CML Digital Marketing, LLC and has over 15 years of experience working in the legal field as a marketer and writer. She specializes in SEO Content for legal tech solutions and has a passion for law practice management. Cate's unpopular opinion: the Winter Olympics are superior to Summer Olympics.
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