Employee Spotlight: Bobby Orozco, Lawmatics Account Executive and Pizza Connoisseur

What is your role at Lawmatics, and what does your job entail?
I’m an Account Executive/Sales Engineer. I am responsible for understanding the needs of our potential clients and how Lawmatics can help their firm.
How did you end up working for Lawmatics?
I started working with Matt, Sarah, Roey, Fred, Anna, Johnny, and Zsolt at a previous company. When they started working on Lawmatics, I was at another startup here in San Diego. I was in the middle of a fist bump with my boss celebrating my one-year anniversary when Matt sent me a message, “It’s time…..you got a good sales guy for me? ” Like the bat symbol in the sky...I was called.
What’s the best part of your job?
The best part in my role is that it's more than sales. Firms will tell me their process, and I get fulfillment from showing them how we can automate and save them time. This job allows me to think outside the box and find a way to integrate our platform into a law firm's current processes.
What challenges have you faced or opportunities you’ve uncovered working remotely during COVID-19?
I feel like covid does not have a negative impact on my work. Working remotely allowed me to be more focused on tasks and less stressed to the outside noise. It also taught me how adaptable I could be and realigned my priorities.
Where are you originally from, and how did you end up in San Diego?
I’m originally born and raised in Chicago and moved to the Bay Area in 2010 for a change of scenery and to be closer to family. I ended up moving down to San Diego from San Francisco 6 years ago and have loved every second of it.
What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
Until 2 weeks ago, not a lot due to working on my BS in Information Technology. I am happy to say that it is over now, and I plan to focus on some continued learning, specifically strengthening my coding skills.
When I have some free time, I like to spend it with my better half and nerd out with some online gaming (FPS mainly). I also love cooking and use it as a way to unplug and not look at my phone or slack.
What is a fun fact most people may not know about you?
I used to be a DJ and was very passionate about it for nearly two decades. It started when I was 16, and I ended up visiting my older brother in San Francisco. He was playing gigs all over the city and really loved it. One day he played a record called “Around the World” by my favorite group, Daft Punk, and that was pretty much it. When I got back to Chicago, my brother sent me a DJ starter pack, including two turntables, some vinyl records, and a pair of headphones. The rest was history.
What is the one thing you can’t live without, and why?
Pizza…. It’s simple, really. I have had some good times with family and friends, eating a pie and watching a Bears game. Pizza is also the one thing I try in every new city I visit and love how each city/region/country has their own spin on it.
Do you have a favorite saying, quote, or personal mantra, and if so, what is it and why?
I’m a huge sci-fi person and love the original movie Tron from the ’80s and the sequel Tron: Legacy from 2010 that featured Daft Punk as the composer of the musical score. I always viewed Kevin Flynn as a combination of real-life technology personalities in today’s world (e.g., Musk, Gates).
"Together, we're gonna change the world, man." — Kevin Flynn
Can you walk us through your "Aha" moment—the moment when you realized how powerful the Lawmatics platform is for lawyers and law firms?
This was pretty early on in my time with the company. By the time I arrived at Lawmatics, I had experience selling software across multiple industries and have come across a variety of tools. Lawmatics builds on this but in an intuitive way that lends itself well to firms and the legal space as a whole. The platform is easy to navigate and provides the firm flexibility to shape the software to their practice.
Based on your experience, what words of wisdom or advice do you have for legal professionals looking to help their law firms win more business, impress clients, and be more efficient?
Automate...automate...automate. Do this with any repeatable task and look for ways to save time on processes that drown you with admin work. I also recommend viewing intake as a sales process that involves not just acquiring information through intake but having visible tracking and automated follow-up.