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Sync matter data from Lawmatics to Smokeball upon lead conversion
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Smokeball integration overview

Automatically sync matters from Lawmatics to Smokeball eliminating any need for multiple data entry. Streamline your lead intake in Lawmatics and seamlessly transfer matter details to Smokeball for efficient case management upon lead conversion.

Here’s what you get with this Lawmatics integration:
  • Automatic matter creation in Smokeball upon lead conversion in Lawmatics
  • Custom field mapping options for data transfer
  • Synchronize contacts and related notes to their corresponding matter in Smokeball
  • Manually sync matters or set it as an automation action
  • Update Smokeball matters with any new Lawmatics additions by initiating a resync

Smokeball integrates with these Lawmatics features


Integration features

Matter sync

Lawmatics seamlessly integrates with Smokeball, transferring matters once they convert. This can be done manually or automatically. The matter status then updates in Lawmatics and opens as a new matter in Smokeball.

Custom field mapping

Map any or all of your Lawmatics fields to your Smokeball fields. These fields can be mapped at the contact and matter levels. When a matter is synced, these fields will all transfer over to the new Smokeball matter.

Automation potential

Sync matters automatically triggered by events like signed agreements or fee payments. Most firms incorporate this into their automated processes, ensuring effortless syncing.


This integration offers more than a one-time sync. If updates are needed in Lawmatics, simply click the 'Resync' button. This action seamlessly transfers any changes to the corresponding Smokeball matter.


Built by


Case Management


Lawmatics subscription

Works with all Lawmatics plans
Lawmatics account permissions

No permissions required
Smokeball account permissions

No permissions required